Introduction of Tour Guide Staff

Introduction of tour guide staff

I’m here to explore alongside you, not just as a guide, but as a fellow curious mind. While I might not have all the answers, I love asking questions and thinking creatively. Let’s dive into archaeology, history, and culture together.


Our conversations could lead us to see things in a whole new light. Sound like fun?


Asuka village you like
Asuka may seem like just another typical Japanese rural village until it captures your attention. The hidden gems in this region have a certain addictive quality. My own fascination with Asuka developed dramatically,


yet I struggle to pinpoint exactly what has captivated me. I believe you’ll have to visit to experience it for yourself.


What I’m good at / What I like– A daydreamer turned doer in later adulthood.
– Passionate about nature. Loves flowers and gets hands dirty in the garden.
– Pursuing traditional arts with monthly flower arrangement and weekly tea ceremony lessons.
– Enjoys locally grown vegetables despite being a lazy cook.
– Love reading books, although often ends up admiring piled collections.
Introduction of tour guide staff

Allow me the honor of introducing myself. I am Kazu, deeply rooted in the storied land of Nara, where my lineage finds its origin. The captivating essence of Nara? It is gracefully captured in the expanse of azure skies that adorn its horizon.


My name, “和,” embodies the essence of peace and harmony. Asuka Village, once the vibrant epicenter of ancient Japan, continues to resonate with the profound history woven into its pristine landscapes, ancient burial mounds, and archaeological marvels. Here, amidst this remarkable tapestry, I wholeheartedly devote myself as a guide, ardently committed to sharing the enduring remnants of ancient Japan and the timeless majesty of nature bestowed upon us by our esteemed ancestors.


Asuka village you like
In my beloved Asuka Village, numerous remains echo the ancient breaths of time, yet most still slumber beneath the earth’s surface. Standing before the stone structures dating back 1,400 years, one can vividly perceive traces of cross-cultural exchanges,


resonating with the realization that Asuka was once an international hub. Through the advent of Buddhism, various cultures, technologies, and philosophies were introduced from overseas, leaving behind traces that continue to define Asuka as the “genesis” of modern Japan. Cherished by those who strive to protect and pass down these remnants to the future, this sentiment renders Asuka even more extraordinary.


What I’m good at / What I likeI thrive on visiting temples and shrines and admiring the artistry of Buddhist statues and architectural embellishments. Cycling through diverse locations while delving into the stories and legends surrounding historical places and figures is another source of delight for me.

Introduction of tour guide staff

I’m originally from Osaka, but I’ve lived in Nara Prefecture for 10 years. I’m thoroughly enjoying the food and lifestyle here in Nara. Let’s make the most of it together!

Asuka village you like
Asuka Village is known as ‘the hometown of everyone’s heart.’ It’s not just about the breathtaking scenery; Asuka Village is the birthplace of Japan, where ancient activities of people once thrived. Even in seemingly ordinary places, there lies a deep history of people, and that’s where the charm lies.

What I’m good at / What I likeI have a passion for cycling and strolls. Embracing a relaxed pace often unveils unexpected wonders, and I thrive on savoring those exhilarating moments of discovery.
Introduction of tour guide staff

Greetings! I’m Masako. Proudly raised in the scenic Yoshino region, adjacent to Asuka Village, I’ve now made the vibrant Asuka area my home. From my earliest days,


I’ve traversed the paths of Asuka Village countless times, each encounter with its rich history and breathtaking vistas leaving an indelible mark on my soul. Asuka Village holds a profound significance in my life, enriching it beyond measure. Sharing the allure of this remarkable village with you all would be an honor. So, let’s embark on an unforgettable journey together, delving into the wonders of Asuka Village with your trusted local guide!


My Beloved Asuka Village
I am enamored with the ancient pathways of Asuka Village. Along these roadsides lie enigmatic stone structures crafted in antiquity, meticulously tended old Jizo statues, well-maintained fields and rice paddies,


and newly renovated shops nestled within old traditional houses.These remnants tell the vivid tale of human existence, spanning from ancient times to the present day.


What I’m good at / What I like

I excel in the realms of soft volleyball and gardening, finding solace and joy in these pursuits. Additionally, I indulge in the art forms of calligraphy and tea ceremony. Delving into the rich history and folk traditions of Asuka Village is a passion of mine.
Come spring 2024, I’ll embark on a new venture as the proud owner of terraced rice fields in Inabuchi, Asuka Village, diving headfirst into the realm of rice cultivation.

Q & A

We will inform you of frequently asked questions.

Can I nominate guide staff?
Basically, it is not possible to nominate guide staff.
We simply accept your request and will do our best to accommodate your request.
Are there restrooms available during the tour?
There are several toilets, but depending on your experience plan, there may not be one nearby.
Please complete this in advance. If you absolutely have to, we will take you there.
Please tell me the required physical fitness level for each tour.
The “physical fitness level” is marked with a heart mark on each experience plan page, so please refer to it.
Level 1 : ♡ Almost no physical strength required
Level 2 : ♡♡ You can participate if you have the physical strength of a normal person.
Level 3 : ♡♡♡ For those who are familiar with exercise on a daily basis
Level 4 : ♡♡♡♡ The journey time and distance are long and require physical strength
Level 5 : ♡♡♡♡ The journey time and distance are long and require a lot of physical strength.
Will I be able to contact you on the day?
When making a reservation, we will provide you with your contact information (mobile phone) on the day.